Jozef Banáš beats the record with his novel Kód 9 (Code 9) – 50,000 sold copies!

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Many authors dream of selling a few thousand copies in Slovakia. When 10,000 are sold, the book is called bestseller. Such numbers are reached only by some writers and Jozef Banáš definitely belongs to them. In addition he has cut a record recently which other authors can only dream about. 

The higher the sales rates, the larger the joy of readers as well as of the author and the publisher. The biggest publishing house in Slovakia, Ikar, is famous for its awards: Golden Book for 15,000 sold copies and Platinum Book for 25,000 sold pieces.  

However, for Jozef Banáš´s daring feat not even Ikar has an award. In August, his bestselling novel Kód 9 (Code 9) reached the unbelievable threshold of 50,000 sold copies, thus becoming one of the most successful books in the history of Slovak literature.

 For the recent ten years, the novel has even been the second best sold original book of the publishing house Ikar. Kód 9 (Code 9) has been topped only by the novel Modrý dom (The Blue House) written by the most successful Slovak author Táňa Keleová-Vasilková. 

 Webnoviny, Press Agency


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